Hier, j'ai reçu un bien mystérieux paquet par le postier... À l'intérieur, une boîte de chez Lancôme où trônait ce délicieux parfum Trésor in Love. Une fragrance gagnée au concours qu'organisait la marque il y a quelques temps. Et j'étais comme une petite fille devant ce cadeau spécialement pour moi... C'est toujours bien de gagner des concours!
Yesterday, I received a mysterious package from the postman... Inside, a Lancôme box where sat the sweet perfume Trésor in Love. Fragrance won the contest organized by the brand some time ago. And I was like a little girl before this special gift for me... It's always good to win competitions!
19 commentaires:
Ummmm! wow, congrats! it,s a nice fragance.
WOW,lucky girl!!!Love this fragrance!
Congrats on winning the competition, and I love the photos you have taken of the perfume :)
Day By Diva
Day By Diva
Je cherche désepérément un nouveau parfum pour l'été, il faudra que j'aille sentir celui-là !
Congratulations! The bottle is so pretty x
Just a Thought
Oh, lucky you!
I love the scent :-)
you lucky thing! it must smell gorgeous. doesn't it?
Yay! Congratulations! The bottle is so pretty, I bet it smells amazing!
Lukc you! We adoreeee smells!!
H&C from Amsterdam
i bet it smells delicious!
<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons
I remember my mom having Trejor when I was a kid, nice to see it's still around with new versions.
Congrats on winning the competition, the bottle looks lovely! :)
The Cat Hag
je ne suis pas fan des parfums mais il doit sentir super bon ! moi j'ai cacharel amor amor pas très terrible mais il me colle bien
lucky you!! maybe you are feeling doubly lucky? if you're interested, feel free to enter my Dior giveaway :) x
ohhh don't you just love getting packages? i'm still waiting for so many! the perfume sounds marvelous~
we adoreeeee perfume!
H&C from Amsterdam
thats so cute!wish i was as lucky to recive these parcels and not junk mail aha!
neat blog
oui c'est clair , tu as de la chance il doit sentir très bon
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