Je viens de finir les six saisons de Sex And The City, ainsi que les deux films qui suivent cette série mythique et glamour. Comment vous dire que j'en suis devenue raide dingue, et que j'essaye à tout prix de ne pas voir une nouvelle fois toute la série, car maintenant, mes soirées ne seront plus rythmées par Carrie, Charlotte, Samantha et Miranda...
Tellement de vérités dans ces épisodes, d'humour et de glamour. Tout ce dont nous avons besoin en tant que grandes amoureuses de la mode et de l'amour!
Je me lancerais bien d'ailleurs dans l'écriture de nouvelles comme Carrie, j'aime tellement écrire que ses sujets me conviendraient parfaitement...!
De plus, petite pensée pour Monday to Friday, blog qui relate la vie mode de quatre copines en Espagne, Silvia, Nuria, Albas et Albas. Et qui m'a beaucoup fait penser à Sex And The City...!
I just finished all six seasons of Sex And The City, and the two films after this legendary and glamorous TV series. How do you say I am become madly, and I try at all costs not to see one more time all the TV series, because now, my evenings are no longer punctuated by Carrie, Charlotte, Samantha and Miranda...
So many truths in these episodes, humor and glamor. All we need as great lovers of fashion and love!
I throw out elsewhere in the writing of novels like Carrie's one, I so write that her subjects would suit me perfectly...!
In addition, little thought for Monday to Friday, web site which chronicles the fashion life of four friends in Spain: Silvia, Nuria, Albas & Albas. And I was very reminds Sex And The City...!
16 commentaires:
Life without friends is not a real life.
friends are essential to one's happiness.
I LOVE Sex and the City, I got all the seasons for christmas last year and watched a few episodes a week for like 3 months. I was so sad when it came to an end. I really want to be best friends with Carrie. I just want her life haha x
Just a Thought
Sex And The City is my all-time favourite drama.
Dun you just love that Carrie and Mr Big end up together in the end? ♥♥
I have watched the TV series and two films countless times haha so I urge you to watch them again! :)
The Cat Hag
i just love sex and the city! it never gets old :)
ohhhh thanks honey for the comment :)
This is true, we really love Sex at the city!
and also love fashion!
xx from Spain darling!
So true! We saw the 2 movies so cool!
H&C from Amsterdam
love the SATC girls! they're a great model for both fashion and friendship! =)
Friendship means a lot to me, I have 3 girlfriends and I love them with all my heart.
It actually made me sad that I got through all the seasons so quickly - two weeks or so! :D (during my summer vacation)
Friendship can last forever!
exactly friendship can last forever!
H&C from Amsterdam
I loved the serie, but the films were very disapointing to me !
I love Sex and the City so much! Not so much the second movie though. It was hard to sit through!
Missing Amsie Blog
I loooove SATC! Who wouldn't love a few girlfriends and fashion?
Thanks so much for the comment. I really appreciate it!
Olalala, c'est des images des films ça !
Parce que dans la série, du moins les premières saison, tu sent bien la mode des années 90 quand même ;) !
Bisous Bisous
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